Welcome to LITE National Console

This console features Live Information from Academic Gateway upto Industry Gateway

Web Development Stats

National Overview

Andaman and Nicobar Islands Ladakh Jammu and Kashmir Himachel Pradesh Punjab Uttarakhand 1 Rajasthan 2 Uttar Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Gujarat 2 Maharashtra 5 Karnataka Andhra Pradesh Tamil Nadu 1 Kerala Puducherry Odisha Chhattisgarh Jharkhand West_bengal 1 Bihar sikkim Assam Arunanchal Pradesh Meghalaya Tripura Mizoram Manipur Nagaland Goa 1 Telangana 7 Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman and Diu Lakshadweep Haryana Delhi

Progress updates

19 Mar 2024

Classroom Layer

Our first batch of Graduates!

Pupilfirst shall soon be celebrating the graduation of it first batch of Web developers from the Pupilfirst LITE program.

This milestone marks the culmination of their journey from mastering the fundamentals in WD101 to developing a fully-functional application in WD401.

To get a detailed understanding of our curriculum, please visit this link.
Our program, designed to bridge the gap between academia and the industry, has equipped 38 students across different tracks with the essential skills for a successful career in Web development. These pioneers are on the brink of earning their Minor degree, setting a benchmark for future Web developers.

05 Feb 2024

18 Jan 2024

18 Dec 2023

Classroom Layer

Update on ongoing Web development Cohorts

WD11Y23 cohort

We launched our LAST scholarship Web development cohort, WD11Y23, on 07 November 2023. We received an overwhelming response with a total of 2828 students applying across 16 institutes.

323/2828 students managed to complete our beginner course WD101- the first milestone in our comprehensive Web development course series. Please refer to this to know more about the learning pathway offered to the students.

These 323 students are currently engaged in the study of Backend Web Development in the course WD201. This segment of our program is designed to provide in-depth knowledge and practical skills essential for backend development.
WD10Y23 cohort
Further, 8 students from the preceding WD10Y23 cohort have managed to complete WD201 successfully and have started their learning journey in WD301, where they shall learn more about Frontend Web development.

25 Sep 2023

Classroom Layer

WD10Y23 course update

In the WD10Y23 LITE cohort, as of 25th Sep 2023, 27/87 students onboarded to WD 201 course are in regular track and are actively practicing the competencies that would help them become industry ready. To know more about the 11 competencies in the WD 201 course, please click on this link.

The remaining 60/87 students were moved to the audit track as they could not meet the deadline or plagiarized in any of the submissions. In our last milestone submission- M6, 8 students were moved to audit track for not meeting the deadline.

National Status: LITE Academic Gateway


Institutions applied

Institutions that expressed interest to be a part of LITE programme.


Institutions selected

Institutions who signed the LITE MoU and are at various stages of course integration.


Institutions operationalised

Institutions who have completed all approval steps and have integrated the courses for students


Universities operationalised

Universities that approved the integration at its affiliate LITE institutions.


States operationalised

States from which LITE institutions has successfully completed the approval steps and integrated the courses for students


Institutions Facing Bottlenecks

These institutions are facing an implementation bottleneck and are unable to progress to implement NEP 2020.

National Status: Faculty Training


Faculty onboarded for training

Faculty onboarded to the course(s) based on their interest and progress.


Faculty completed training

Faculty successfully completed the first level in the course of the respective curriculum.


Teaching Fellows

Industry practionners who have joined Pupilfirst to author the courses and coach the students

National Status: Student enrolment


Total Students Applied

Interested/Eligible Students who have applied to the LITE Advanced Web Development programme


Total Students Onboarded

Interested/Eligible Students who are onboarded to the course(s) based on their progress in the curriculum track


Student Teaching Assistants

Students who are inducted into the teaching assistant pool based on their interest and successful completion of the course(s)

National Status: Industry Gateway



Students who have completed 201 level of the curriculum, thus enabling a skill level to join the industry


Hiring network partners

Network of companies who have expressed interest to hire successful student graduates


GDC internships

Global Digital Corps is an international programme for brightest students to contribute towards Digital Public Goods, and to work with one of our hiring partner eGOV Foundation.


Internships and placement

Student graduates who have secured internships/placements on their own.