Classroom Layer

Web Development cohorts update

Posted on 05 February 2024

Currently, we have three ongoing Web development (WD) cohorts.

This students of this cohort are getting acquainted with the concepts of “Server side programming with Node.js” (WD201).

24th January 2024 was the second deadline for this cohort to complete all the milestones until Level 10. In total, there are 11 milestones in this course.
47/147 students managed to meet the deadline, while the remaining 100 students could not meet the deadline and were offboarded from the course.

7th February 2024 is the Final deadline for this cohort.

The students of this cohort are doing hands on practice on “Front end Development with React and Typescript” (WD301).

All the 8 students in this cohort are progressing well in the course and have already crossed the mid-point in the course-Level 5.

B02Y22, WD07&08Y23
This cohort is currently pursuing the Production ready course, which is the final course in the Minor degree in Advanced Web development track.
There are two tracks offered for this cohort- course track and internship track- either of which can help the students earn the credits towards their degree.
Currently, we have 36 students in course track who are progressing steadily in the course, while 2 students chose the internship track.